Accounting Auditor Resume Sample

Accounting auditors examine financial records for accuracy and completion. Their duties include comparing assets and liabilities to their listings, assessing levels of financial risk, examining operating practices, documenting and reporting the audit test results to the audited organization, reviewing wages, advising the organization on required actions, and enforcing compliance with federal, state, and local regulations. To work as an accounting auditor, you need a bachelor’s degree or master’s degree in accounting or a related field, and a Certified Public Accountant (CPA) certification is highly desirable. Accounting auditors must perform thorough research, be objective, have documentation skills, be detail-oriented, have good written and oral communication skills, be familiar with financial and accounting software, have strong math skills, and make oral presentations to be successful.

For many people, writing a resume can be daunting. If you are working on your own, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the amount of information you need to include and how best to present yourself.

The sample resumes below provide great examples of how to write an effective resume.

The Best Accounting Auditor Resume Samples

These are some examples of accomplishments we have handpicked from real Accounting Auditor resumes for your reference.

Accounting Auditor Resume Sample 1

  • Proficiently reviewed business records to ensure compliance with generally accepted accounting principles.
  • Recognized for increasing efficiency by auditing one year’s worth of data in two months; increased expenditures approved by company president.
  • Inspired the savings of $200,000/year after re-introducing expense reporting forms and lowering insurance costs by $20,500.
  • Recommended cutting cost centers within six departments by 33% without reducing personnel or affecting service level satisfaction.
  • Earned trust as Accounting Manager by finding over $150,000 in fraudulent financial activity; promoted to supervisor position.

Accounting Auditor Resume Sample 2

  • Tracked and confirmed payment of $5,000 in delinquent accounts receivable through effective use of an automated collections system; increased the company’s cash flow by $3,500 within a 30-day period.
  • Reduced errors and minimized risk in delivering consistent financial results throughout 100 client engagements; recognized by CFO for exceptional performance across all operating units.
  • Promoted to Manager when average quota exceeded 4% over budget; led team with proven success.
  • Achieved consistent monthly profitability whereas other project managers failed to meet quotas (i.e., -20%); learned quickly from others’ mistakes and designed workflows that were conducive to success across all departments.
  • Project manager with a strong background in finance and accounting; taught client services staff to streamline processes which allowed the company to increase their revenue by over $1 million.

Accounting Auditor Resume Sample 3

  • Identified and corrected reporting errors for $50,000 worth of omitted revenue; recognized by district managers for superior performance.
  • Repositioned as Accounting Team Leader after obtaining advanced accounting and auditing knowledge and skills to recognize errors in the accounts payable process.
  • Gained extensive knowledge of US generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) standards during three years at a Big 4 public accounting firm.
  • Achieved award for meeting customer satisfaction guidelines based on customer survey ratings.
  • Increasingly responsible year-to-year growth resulting from negotiations that generated nearly $15M in new business – minimizing taxes for over 400 million dollars worth of real estate – while being promoted to Senior Audit Manager.

Accounting Auditor Resume Sample 4

  • Identify financial misstatements by applying knowledge of Generally Accepted Accounting Principles (GAAP) and Standards.
  • Trained to investigate complex accounting issues related to bank reconciliations, hedge transactions, revenue recognition, tax accruals, and property taxes.
  • Acknowledged for fastidious attention-to-detail in performing audits by senior management.
  • Promoted to team lead for performance excellence; developed goals to increase productivity through the audit process.
  • Recognized with two awards for exceptional service; resolved multiple client complaints regarding quality of work.

Accounting Auditor Resume Sample 5

  • Audited several manufacturing plants while conducting full scale inventory audits in order to save client over $500,000.
  • Resolved discrepancies within tax returns filed by major public utilities company for over 3,000 employees totaling nearly 4 million dollars.
  • Flawlessly executed end-of-year accounting procedures involving international funds transfers while adhering to strict deadlines.
  • Assisted in the recovery of $900,000 worth of illegally diverted money through direct deposit into fraudulent third party accounts.
  • Identified and recovered $100,000 lost through unauthorized check payments made from one department to another throughout a four month investigation period.

Accounting Auditor Resume Sample 6

  • Determined accuracy of ledgers and records according to generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP).
  • Monitored the preparation of financial statements by accountants.
  • Prepared documentation for customer complaints, settled disputes and resolved credit issues.
  • Investigated discrepancies in accounting practices, analyzed results obtained from employees’ interviews and compiled findings into reports.
  • Developed a new process that reduced both backlogs and delays while increasing productivity during an extended absence of a supervisor or manager.

Accounting Auditor Resume Sample 7

  • Audited financial statements by meeting compliance standards for credit, cash, and accounts receivable; redesigned procedures to increase efficiency.
  • Identified problem areas requiring corrective action in order to promote accurate accounting records; entered data into an automated system to ensure accuracy.
  • Received special recognition for outstanding service through exceptional preparation of the 1st Quarter Report.
  • Launched new customer database allowing effective management of client relationships while providing prompt customer service.
  • Contributor towards the achievement of department goals by staying updated with workflow statistics and general ledger activity

Accounting Auditor Resume Sample 8

  • Utilized analytical, communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills to address auditor discrepancies.
  • Identified key issues when auditing company’s financial records, prepared report for management.
  • Recognized by Regional Manager for outstanding performance in review of accounts payable processing function.
  • Achieved award for meeting customer satisfaction guidelines based on customer survey ratings.
  • Received certificate of recognition from Internal Audit Director; recognized for exceptional compliance support to internal audit process.

Accounting Auditor Resume Sample 9

  • Proficient in the use of computer technology and programs such as Audit Command Language, Microsoft Excel and Word.
  • Manage and maintain assigned accounts receivable records by providing data to ensure the accurate recording and reporting of cash receipts.
  • Assisted senior auditor with complex audit assignments including sampling, compilation and review of account reconciliations, resolving discrepancies, modifying documentation procedures when problems were identified.
  • Recognized for exceptional contribution through participation in high-profile client engagements that resulted in increased efficiencies within accounting department.
  • Manage outsourced financial function; ensuring accuracy of asset management ledger balance sheet by performing daily account reconciliations; generate positive pay reports.; resolve taxpayer inquiries.

Accounting Auditor Resume Sample 10

  • Assigned to audit of a multinational organization, then implemented highly-effective communication strategy that allowed all parties to move forward in the process.
  • Excelled as reviewer and team member on the annual audits assigned.
  • Appointed as first level auditor on new client engagements and performed evaluations and presentations based on performance.
  • Promoted for outstanding contribution to firm; recognized by top executives during national conference.
  • Grew company’s assets by $1 billion under management while increasing production 100% through improved auditing processes and procedures.

Accounting Auditor Resume Sample 11

  • Exposed embezzlement of over $950,000 from a local food bank where employed through exposure of forged checks.
  • Examined 55% of all accounts receivables for accuracy and detected discrepancies in the balance sheet totaling over 5 million dollars.
  • Resolved a reconciliation issue with a national bank involving an offshore subsidiary that resulted from improper application of US GAAP.
  • Resolved an immaterial year end misstatement resulting from errors by management regarding the initial accounting assumption on self-constructed assets.
  • Investigated deviations from established procedures and corrected data entry errors totaling 1 million dollars for fixed asset additions and depreciation expenses.

Accounting Auditor Resume Sample 12

  • Conducted field audits of accounting records at various clients’ locations, resolving issues with management.
  • Reviewed fiscal data to ascertain that assets were protected during peak activity periods.
  • Completed all assigned tasks on time with an average savings of $2,500 per month in dues/fees.
  • Managed budgets for five city events generating over $10,000 revenue including the largest fundraiser for the Boys & Girls Club.
  • Improved collections percentage by 14% within first three months due to improved organizational record keeping abilities.

Wrap Up

Resumes are a crucial aspect of any job search. In order to make a good first impression, it is important that your resume be formatted and written professionally. To create the perfect resume, think about what skills and qualities you want your future employer to see.

Hope these samples gave you an idea of what your resume should look like and some tips on how to make sure that your resume stands out from the rest.


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