Special Needs Assistant Resume Sample

Special Needs Assistants are responsible for supporting the lead teacher, establishing relationships with students and implementing behavior plans. Their duties include collaborating with teachers, collecting data, direct instruction of modified education plans, supporting students, ensuring safety of students and implementing behavior plans.

For many, writing a resume can be daunting. If you are working on your own, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the amount of information you need to include and how best to present yourself.

The sample resumes below provide great examples of how to write an effective resume.

The Best Special Needs Assistant Resume Samples

These are some examples of accomplishments we have handpicked from real Special Needs Assistant resumes for your reference.

Special Needs Assistant Resume Sample 1

  • Maintained special needs classroom and developed alternative educational programs for students with ADHD.
  • Assisted in the development, organization, and implementation of a comprehensive service plan for handicapped children and youth.
  • Supervised special needs assistants in the classroom to ensure compliance with local guidelines.
  • Directed clinical training of two certified therapists; facilitated clinical interactions to improve therapeutic relationships for children with disabilities.
  • Organized and assisted in the development of a strategic plan to provide quality education, supervision and support services to over 400 preschool age students with disabilities..

Special Needs Assistant Resume Sample 2

  • Provided quality assistance to the general manager and the entire staff of over 500 at the showroom of a large wholesale nursery business.
  • Motivated, trained, and supervised over thirty-five employees to provide customer service.
  • Initiated new idea for profit margin enhancement by managing cash receipts in a newly appointed position.
  • Worked with entire staff including six sales managers to optimize performance of business operations at retail store level.
  • Optimized clerical efficiency in order to expedite workflow for CPA tax department during tax season which yielded $30,000 increase in revenue to finances plant operations.

Special Needs Assistant Resume Sample 3

  • Took initiative to assist staff in meeting daily schedule goals. Recognized by the principal for assistance in securing a grant for training and classroom supplies.
  • Spent several hours of personal time completing clerical tasks that met organizational needs and deadlines.
  • Met with parents to acquiesce special learning programs and class schedules to accommodate children’s social, physical, or nutritional needs.
  • Maintained exceptional classroom records through recording test scores, grades, attendance sheets, and daily lesson plans on a computer system; devised daily routine schedules to enable all six classes to be conducted without teacher supervision.
  • Cited as a resource to team members and customers, exemplified through training and customer service.

Special Needs Assistant Resume Sample 4

  • Increased organization and management skills by developing, maintaining, and wisely utilizing a database containing information on residents, staff, and employees.
  • Preserved a positive professional attitude while efficiently processing patients according to established protocols by setting appointments, registering patients, and answering queries.
  • Practice selfless leadership by leading patient activities such as arts and crafts time.
  • Used thorough knowledge of state regulations to interview new applicants for employment; interviewed over 20 job candidates during one year period.
  • Approved new hires after evaluating each applicant’s qualifications; determined qualification ratings based on applicant resume and interview performance.

Special Needs Assistant Resume Sample 5

  • Served as a one-on-one aide to individuals with Down Syndrome with an emphasis on self-care, social interaction and skill development.
  • In this capacity, provided support in the form of music therapy while facilitating small group activities and family outings.
  • Followed the assigned schedule to provide care for parents and siblings in the absence of a caretaker; supervised sibling’s learning activities on their own, along with cooking and cleaning duties.
  • Responsible for providing emotional support to clients by helping them maintain their dignity in an adult world where many are debilitated.
  • Recognized with the CPSA (Certified Personnel in Specialized Aids) Award for outstanding achievement in meeting or exceeding professional standards.

Special Needs Assistant Resume Sample 6

  • Provided over 100 hours of covering and attending to classes’ needs, including class registration, classroom management, and overseeing supplies.
  • Chaperoned school field trips on two occasions and assisted teachers with children in off-campus situations.
  • Accompanied Special Olympics athletes during bowling tournaments, and planned action events for the 2004 fundraiser.
  • Assisted in medical appointments with special needs minors; determined physician availability and scheduled appointments accordingly.
  • Recieved award for compassionate care of special needs adults.

Special Needs Assistant Resume Sample 7

  • Podiatrist examined and treated patients, who included: (1) pre-school children with a variety of orthopedic complaints. (2) high school students with health conditions, such as keratosis, acne, and impotence. (3) high school age males with learning disabilities in reading and math. (4) high school boys with attention deficit disorder. (5) college students with chronic headaches and menstrual complaints.
  • Cardiac Technician assisted in the processing of X-Rays, Mammograms, PAP Tests and ECGs on over 600 different patients during weekday hours at the health maintenance clinic located within the hospital.
  • Greeted and conducted telephone interviews with prospective clients; scheduled meetings and arranged appointments according to administrative guidelines.
  • Provided complete mailings (mail, postage, labels, etc.) for nineteen national groups by sorting through over one thousand pieces of mail.
  • Sold company products throughout the neighborhood by making over sixty sales calls; contracted for the purchase of a home security system for a retired Air Force general.

Special Needs Assistant Resume Sample 8

  • Trained in the administration of special needs programs.
  • Performed clerical duties in a satisfying, professional manner.
  • Effectively reconciled a hiring discrepancy involving five people; coordinated the transfer of approximately sixty employees from one department to another.
  • Improved documentation practices for special needs programs; effectively served as project coordinator for over twelve special needs centers and projects.
  • Faced difficulties and crisis situations with composure, intelligence, and eloquence; effectively resolved issues within the Special Needs Office.

Special Needs Assistant Resume Sample 9

  • Measured food portions and regularly counted each child’s belongings four times a day while they were in the home.
  • Handled special needs of diverse children at their summer camp program located in Parker, Colorado.
  • Created new avenues for training and development within the organization.
  • Assisted in various aspects of management related to strategic planning and administrative topics.
  • Received overall superior rating for outstanding performance due to superior organization, teamwork, and communication skills.

Special Needs Assistant Resume Sample 10

  • Supervised an area of 15,000 square feet in a San Francisco Bay Area hospital.
  • Maintained a learning center where children with special needs were cared for and taught ABCs and 123’s, math tricks, and artistic skills.
  • Provided personal care for twelve patients daily as certified Nurse’s Assistant.
  • Moved patients up to four times per week during peak hours for over two years by coordinating the efforts of other nursing assistants.
  • Quickly learned procedures and skills to become an effective Special Needs Team member; corrected over 200 behaviors within one hour of arrival at work each day.

Special Needs Assistant Resume Sample 11

  • Interacted with visitors to the school in a friendly and professional manner.
  • Listened for understanding and demonstrated empathy for the visitors.
  • Promptly answered visitor questions in an accurate and timely manner.
  • Discreetly handled special situations; worked with other staff members to ensure a pleasant experience for everyone involved.
  • Monitored visitor activity while working in the office. At times, telephoned visitors to follow up on appointment arrangements. Resolved scheduling conflicts through proper channel of authority. Contacted parents via phone or note when appointments were not kept or when meetings were delayed due to emergency situations involving classes in session or other circumstances beyond my control.

Wrap Up

To work as a Special Needs Assistant you’ll need a high school diploma or GED, a Bachelor’s degree is preferred and experience in the field. Special Needs Assistants must demonstrate compassion, consistency, clear communication skills, patience, teamwork, organization and kindness to be successful.

Resumes are a crucial aspect of any job search. In order to make a good first impression, it is important that your resume be formatted and written professionally. To create the perfect resume, think about what skills and qualities you want your future employer to see.

Hope these samples gave you an idea of what your resume should look like and some tips on how to make sure that your resume stands out from the rest.


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