Juvenile Correctional Officer Resume Sample

A Juvenile Correctional Officer supervises youths who are awaiting trial, or who have committed a crime. Their duties include overseeing recreational activities, maintaining order and security, conducting frequent counts, handling paperwork, escorting youths wherever they go, breaking up fights, and conducting searches.

For many, writing a resume can be daunting. If you are working on your own, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the amount of information you need to include and how best to present yourself.

The sample resumes below provide great examples of how to write an effective resume.

The Best Juvenile Correctional Officer Resume Samples

These are some examples of accomplishments we have handpicked from real Juvenile Correctional Officer resumes for your reference.

Juvenile Correctional Officer Resume Sample 1

  • Employed tactics to prevent escapes, disturbances, and riots; educated life skills in juvenile offenders through reading, writing, hygiene, and self-improvement classes. Enforced drug-free environment while setting proper expectations.
  • Established self-esteem and social responsibility program through counseling sessions with juveniles; developed rapport between staff and patients through constructive communication.
  • Served as a day guard when needed; assist with patient transport to the hospital or return to their institutions. Initiated ongoing training programs aimed at creating an environment conducive to the rehabilitation of juveniles.
  • Operated within departmental policies while adhering to established regulations with regard to the use of force during apprehension situations.
  • Recognized as a self-starter by supervision.

Juvenile Correctional Officer Resume Sample 2

  • Community service award for outstanding service and dedication during a training exercise; honored by the local sheriff’s office for exceptional performance; awarded several employee recognition awards.
  • Active membership in a specialized task force responsible for keeping both offenders and correctional officers safe under any circumstances; involved in daily emergency drills and emergency scenarios with full-scale mock-ups of equipment, personnel, and scenario plans.
  • Top-rated team leader in overall performance; maintained superior positive attitude amidst constant criticism from peers.
  • Recognized by the Department of Justice for exceptional work ethic and ability to lead others.
  • Assessed and interviewed nearly 100 inmates for suitability for parole.

Juvenile Correctional Officer Resume Sample 3

  • Effectively maintained standards of discipline and safety.
  • Participated in active shooter scenario/training.
  • Succeded all training objectives, earned and maintained high-quality rating.

Juvenile Correctional Officer Resume Sample 4

  • Apprehended and incarcerated repeat offenders who had violated the terms and conditions of their parole.
  • Recognized by peers for outstanding performance in schools, community service, and pursuit of education.
  • Transferred to another facility when assigned to this facility; proficient in handling and transporting large amounts of inmates.
  • Efficiently fulfilled prisoner transport requests; allowed the assigned supervisors to perform their duties without interruption due to prisoner transport issues.
  • Appointed lieutenant in command of the prison cell block; responded to emergencies at all times.

Juvenile Correctional Officer Resume Sample 5

  • Supervised juvenile offenders within a maximum security facility.
  • Resolved grievances presented by residents to maintain order and peace among residents.
  • Maintained peace, order, and discipline during stressful situations involving juvenile offenders; enforced rules concerning curfew in accordance with state laws.
  • Monitored and patrolled residence hall to ensure all orders were being followed; maintained security throughout the premises at all times.
  • Supervised activities that included sports such as touch football, basketball, soccer, and volleyball to provide a safe environment for juvenile offenders during leisure time; provided incentive by presenting outstanding performers with awards.

Juvenile Correctional Officer Resume Sample 6

  • Established first security sweep in an adult facility (adult male unit) while maintaining positive body language and maintaining the appropriate distance between detainees and myself.
  • Successfully led a transfer of an adult female I.C.E detainee to a juvenile unit despite protestations from the male guards and staff as well as a number of unruly men in the juvenile unit causing unnecessary disruption, danger, and disturbance to inmates.
  • Commanded two detainee searches simultaneously, each with over one hundred men presents yet, no contraband was found on either man during the searches.
  • Adhered to standards of high morale and supervised others in an exemplary manner, resulting in an overall increase in unit morale.
  • Received outstanding performance award, effectively trained and supervised new correctional officers.

Juvenile Correctional Officer Resume Sample 7

  • Established an effective program for a maximum-security juvenile facility; maintained the confidence of administrators.
  • Received letter of appreciation from juveniles, parents, and other officials involved in the juvenile justice system due to successful rehabilitation efforts.
  • Participated in our County’s Community Policing project, patrolling neighborhoods and gathering valuable information.
  • Led initiative to recruit and train new officers to the department; recruited members who exhibited exemplary leadership skills.
  • Developed an innovative training program to help officers prepare for physical confrontations with inmates; implemented an effective training system that was recognized by my peers and superiors as one of the best in the state.

Juvenile Correctional Officer Resume Sample 8

  • Actively worked with teenage youth in a detention home; provided realistic, hands-on instruction to youth.
  • Demonstrated exceptional leadership skills; actively interacted with staff members and administered staff meetings.
  • Recognized as an expert in crisis intervention techniques; effectively resolved situations involving angry, hostile, and combative juveniles.
  • Earned respect as a positive role model to juveniles; actively pursued activities that provided the youth with recreational relief and personal development opportunities.
  • Maintained order by effectively enforcing rules, regulations, and guidelines in the detention home; received the award for maintaining high levels of control despite the presence of disruptive teenagers.

Juvenile Correctional Officer Resume Sample 9

  • Assigned to housing facility, maintained controlled environment by enforcing rules and regulations regarding inmate program participation.
  • Gained respect from colleagues and inmates by performing duties in a tight and stressful environment.
  • Supervised inmates outside the facility during the work release program; recognized for outstanding performance by being selected for overtime assignments.
  • Earned respect from peers, supervisors, and inmates due to my willingness to take on tasks others refused or had difficulty completing.
  • Recognized excellent performance from the Warden of Juvenile Services Department; selected me to be one of the first correctional officers for the Dream Team Program where I worked with at-risk teens in a non-residential setting.

Juvenile Correctional Officer Resume Sample 10

  • Maintained positive relationships with inmates, which led to positive outcomes for juvenile offenders at the facility.
  • Developed solid rapport with juveniles based on daily interaction and verbal interaction.
  • Completed community service projects for local school districts.
  • Demonstrated sound knowledge of engaging young children from an early age to develop positive behaviors and values, including strong problem-solving skills, as well as a good behavioral model.
  • Received a commendation for the outstanding quality of work performance.

Juvenile Correctional Officer Resume Sample 11

  • Held the highest position at the New Orleans Juvenile facility, which is the most secure juvenile facility in the U.S.; instituted a successful positive youth program and established excellent working relationship with staff, peers, and supervisors; received distinguished performance award for rescuing a suicidal female.
  • Received exceptional performance award for assisting other officers in preventing an escape by continuing to detain an escapee until he was forcibly subdued by several officers; attended numerous training sessions and seminars as part of a response team to hostile situations.
  • Approved all state qualifications for a security officer certificate in less than two months; helped maintain discipline within the facility after an inmate riot that resulted from throwing tear gas canisters into a visiting room.
  • Began training program for the Louisiana Army National Guard; received an honorable discharge from active duty in law enforcement.
  • Issued a fire extinguisher to a co-worker who was attempting to quell a rebellion in the cafeteria; placed into the evidence locker an illegal substance found on an inmate.

Juvenile Correctional Officer Resume Sample 12

  • Adopted children and provided a stable environment for their development.
  • Participated in many physical training exercises to maintain a fit and healthy lifestyle.
  • Maintained discipline as a Division Officer enforcing laws, rules, and regulations.
  • Performed duties involving the use of firearms, tasers, batons, handcuffs, and pepper spray.
  • Created positive relationships with members of the community, police officers, and citizens through active listening skills which helped defuse hostile situations with minimal force deployment.

Wrap Up

Educational requirements are a minimum of a high school diploma and training at the department of corrections; however, a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice is preferred. Skills needed are counseling skills, maturity, communication skills, interpersonal skills, decision-making skills, good judgement, physical strength and physical stamina.

Resumes are a crucial aspect of any job search. In order to make a good first impression, it is important that your resume be formatted and written professionally. To create the perfect resume, think about what skills and qualities you want your future employer to see.

Hope these samples gave you an idea of what your resume should look like and some tips on how to make sure that your resume stands out from the rest.


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