Armed Guard Resume Sample

Armed guards are licensed weapon carriers who are responsible for the security of a premise or location they have been assigned. Their duties include inspecting visitors entering guarded premises, adhering to security laws and regulations, performing regular patrols, implementing new security measures, ensuring their weapon is well maintained and reporting any suspicious activities.

For many, writing a resume can be daunting. If you are working on your own, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the amount of information you need to include and how best to present yourself.

The sample resumes below provide great examples of how to write an effective resume.

The Best Armed Guard Resume Samples

These are some examples of accomplishments we have handpicked from real Armed Guard resumes for your reference.

Armed Guard Resume Sample 1

  • Honored by chief officers for “Above and Beyond” performance.
  • Recognized as a team leader with extensive tactical training, firearms skills, and security management.
  • Trained in SWAT, Emergency Response Team (ERT), Basic Tactical Operations (BTO), Advanced Tactical Operations (ATO).
  • Acted as a liaison between police department and community members to identify problems and provide mutual solutions.
  • Received Life Saving Award after utilizing CPR to revive a heart attack victim who was not breathing.

Armed Guard Resume Sample 2

  • Performed regulatory inspections, pat-downs, locker searches, and other compliance-related duties for visiting the facility.
  • Monitored control panel; responded to alarms by entering the cage with a firearm; controlled access at front entrance while verifying proper credentials before opening door.
  • Assisted in crowd control during events of national interest while providing protection through awareness of surroundings.
  • Trained others on firearms safety procedures and regulations before enabling them to properly use firearms during emergency situations.
  • Effectively patrolled assigned area with a strong presence that assisted in monitoring security risks while displaying professional behavior at all times.

Armed Guard Resume Sample 3

  • Provided armed security services for high-profile public events.
  • Engaged with perpetrators, using appropriate verbal commands and physical contact, to resolve incidents involving obstruction of justice, narcotics possession, weapons carrying without proper license or registration.
  • Resolved six attempted robberies by use of complete 100% compliance techniques resulting in arrests.
  • Responded quickly to suppress a riot at the Federal Correctional Institute within 10 minutes of arrival on the scene.
  • Forcibly secured two violent inmates with injuries under medical supervision until inmate was stabilized and transferred to hospital where received required treatment for wounds sustained during the altercation.

Armed Guard Resume Sample 4

  • Detected 77% of all potential shoplifting incidents while protecting a major national retailer and apprehended 5% of suspects without injury.
  • Assisted in the capture and detainment of two armed robbery suspects after receiving lead information from an informant.
  • Received recognition for exceptional performance by apprehending an individual who had fled on foot from another guard after robbing a nearby convenience store.
  • Collected and maintained accurate and detailed information during undercover investigations.
  • Identified and arrested a wanted burglar, recovering stolen property worth $500+ from the suspect’s residence.

Armed Guard Resume Sample 5

  • Ensured security of employees and property.
  • Monitored access to premises, screened all visitors, and recorded pertinent information in logbook for daily report.
  • Disarmed unauthorized individuals during routine inspections.
  • Aided law enforcement personnel by providing information on visitor activities; led investigations pertaining to suspicious activity reports.
  • Identified potential hazards and possible criminals by closely monitoring public areas for signs of suspicious or illegal behavior within company policies and procedures.

Armed Guard Resume Sample 6

  • Received special recognition for outstanding performance in protecting bank customers and employees during an armed robbery attempt.
  • Awarded appreciation plaque for recovering $5,000 during a robbery.
  • Earned promotion to Employment Specialist Supervisor for leading an employer outreach team of twelve associates.
  • Recognized with award for discovering abandoned infant child while on duty; successfully reunited the baby with his parents.
  • Received Special Service Award from Department Commander and Adjutant General of Tennessee National Guard recognizing exemplary leadership and superior achievement throughout two years of military service.

Armed Guard Resume Sample 7

  • Utilized physical strength and weapons proficiency to deter, detain, subdue, disarm, control suspects.
  • Successfully apprehended armed escapees by safely shooting two of three fleeing prisoners at night.
  • Effectively restrained violent inmate who had kept five correctional officers at bay for twenty minutes before backup arrived.
  • Acted with bravery when prisoner overpowered officer of the watch during cellblock inspection; returned fire with deadly accuracy despite being threatened by assailant’s firearm.
  • Worked on first-aid team assisting in emergency operations that included administering CPR to an infant whose heart had stopped beating.

Armed Guard Resume Sample 8

  • Received superior, outstanding performance awards from supervisor after minimizing loss by spotting and following up on fraudulent activity.
  • Effectively mediated a hostage situation between a disgruntled customer and bank personnel, earning gratitude from the senior vice president of the bank.
  • Recognized for bravery during an armed robbery at a drive-thru ATM, subduing three assailants without firing a shot or receiving injuries.
  • Responded to a double homicide involving a 14-year old girl being dumped alive from her kidnappers’ vehicle; securing vital evidence from the victim’s clothing that led to arrests of nine suspects.
  • Certified through licensing as both a Taser Instructor and Chief Instructor after taking extensive training courses.

Armed Guard Resume Sample 9

  • Earned rank of Staff Sergeant in United States Armed Forces.
  • Performed in the top third percentile for physical fitness in 50 meter swim, 2 mile run walk, sit-ups, push-ups, pull-ups.
  • Contributed to security plans following terrorist activities on September 11th.
  • Served with distinction under hostile fire while protecting United States oil platforms in the Persian Gulf during Operation Desert Storm/Shield.
  • Received awards for professionalism and courage when apprehending an armed suspect who was stalking a prominent female news anchor.

Armed Guard Resume Sample 10

  • Assisted security officers during a shift changeover and physical searches for entry into secure areas.
  • Kept the flow of pedestrian traffic under control as well as responding to emergencies in a timely manner, maintaining a safe environment.
  • Used firearm at required training levels, demonstrating proficiency with firearms and equipment.
  • Adhered to strict safety regulations while performing duties such as protecting prisoners from other inmates or hostile visitors, watching weapons being manufactured or repaired, protecting high-risk prisoners from harm, preventing escapes by locking doors behind incoming officers.
  • Achieved national recognition for leadership skills after taking initiative to develop the department’s first cross-training program that prepared new hires to train other employees on security duties.

Armed Guard Resume Sample 11

  • Intercepted, controlled, and escorted three distressed inmates before local authorities arrived at the scene.
  • Efficiently performed pat-downs to ensure the safety of visitors and staff; apprehended an individual who concealed contraband items in his underwear.
  • Performed gun sweeps for VIPs including ambassadors, judges, high-ranking military officials.
  • Successfully tracked down two escapees after performing gun sweeps where the suspects were hiding in overhead HVAC units.
  • Led team of five agents during FOB (Forward Operating Base) security for ten days where VIPs visited on several occasions.

Armed Guard Resume Sample 12

  • Conducted thorough searches of vehicles, people, and objects for contraband; apprehended individuals in possession of a firearm.
  • Analyzed security camera footage to apprehend criminals after witnessing a robbery in progress.
  • Impeded a bank robbery by subduing the perpetrator in a headlock.
  • Disciplined troops according to the military court-martial in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba during Operation Enduring Freedom.
  • Freed two United States hostages from Iraqi terrorists by killing one terrorist and capturing another while critically wounding an additional enemy combatant.

Wrap Up

To work as an armed guard, you require a high school diploma or its equivalent and a state required license. Armed guards must demonstrate flexibility, basic combat skills, communication skills, ability to work under pressure, stamina, decision-making skills and teamwork.

Resumes are a crucial aspect of any job search. In order to make a good first impression, it is important that your resume be formatted and written professionally. To create the perfect resume, think about what skills and qualities you want your future employer to see.

Hope these samples gave you an idea of what your resume should look like and some tips on how to make sure that your resume stands out from the rest.


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