Data Center Operator Resume Sample

A Data Center Operator is responsible for making sure the central data center of a business is operating smoothly. Duties include checking fuse boxes and cables, checking that each computer is running at optimum speed, recognizing problems, fixing hardware problems, following instructions from programmers, monitoring all servers in the central data center, and fixing any IT issues.

For many, writing a resume can be daunting. If you are working on your own, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the amount of information you need to include and how best to present yourself.

The sample resumes below provide great examples of how to write an effective resume.

The Best Data Center Operator Resume Samples

These are some examples of accomplishments we have handpicked from real Data Center Operator resumes for your reference.

Data Center Operator Resume Sample 1

  • Ensured smooth operation of Network Operations Center after more than one year of employment with company.
  • Demonstrated ability to troubleshoot and resolve hardware and software issues via telephone with customers’ network administrators and vendors.
  • Directed sales representatives to aid in the implementation of new products while maintaining customer satisfaction.
  • Aided management in completing budget reports, purchasing, and other requirements.
  • Recognized by peers as a team player; regularly offered assistance to colleagues.

Data Center Operator Resume Sample 2

  • Processed and coordinated tickets for all of the backup and recovery services needed for all of the on-site servers, printers, network devices, and peripherals.
  • Achieved a 100% up-time for all hardware services with no hardware failure recorded during my tenure; highly recommended by my manager for promotion.
  • Routinely maintained systems at 80% downtime to high availability through proactive job-shifting; witnessed two data center facilities throughout the U.S. transform from high-maintenance, extremely expensive to maintain operations to efficient, inexpensive operation due to measures taken by my team.
  • Respected and performed to complete natures of responsibilities with exceptional quality, delivering tangible results on time, even in the face of multiple challenges.
  • Concurred with and supported firm’s policies and procedures without hesitation or obstruction; consistently communicated needed issues to management.

Data Center Operator Resume Sample 3

  • Supervised the installation of remote network telephone equipment to improve customer service.
  • Directed technical administrators in over-all data center operations and project management; tripled TCO and reduced operational time for key web site.
  • Recruited and retained 21 professionals during a 3.5 year period; received a letter from departing VP of Cloud Services praising my attitude, patience, and integrity.
  • Achieved record-breaking performance by tripling sales revenues as a middle manager; credited for timely, decisive leadership under pressure.
  • Maintained advantageous client relationships by resolving critical issues before they became problematic; created positive results by seeking mutually agreeable resolutions.

Data Center Operator Resume Sample 4

  • Audited and analyzed the integrity of daily network backups.
  • Installed, configured, and optimized three client-server virtual operating systems over an eight-month period.
  • Successfully deployed two server operating system updates within a one-month time frame to eliminate glitches with a direct effect on departmental productivity.
  • Ensured security procedures were in compliance with privacy standards by implementing an end-user awareness program.
  • Coordinated cross-departmental efforts to reduce VIRUS security incidents by identifying and remediating weak points in network architecture.

Data Center Operator Resume Sample 5

  • Managed and maintained the day-to-day operations of a global, 24x7x365 data center facility.
  • Developed and conducted a customer survey that identified customer demand for new features in the company’s e-commerce website.
  • Managed network expansion to previously leased locations which resulted in a 200% increase in e-commerce sales volume.
  • Attained direct communication with software developers resulting in prompt updates and corrective action for support application issues.
  • Played an important role in the development of three new product lines.

Data Center Operator Resume Sample 6

  • Deployed server and desktop computers with efficiency, accuracy, and minimal downtime.
  • Coordinated with security systems to ensure adequate coverage against threats of theft, terrorism, sabotage, and espionage.
  • Directed network security to secure the network from outside attacks; when attackers attempted to breach firewall, successfully filtered malicious traffic from authorized data.
  • Secured confidential corporate data during corporate relocation due to fire by making duplicate copies of all servers’ data onto portable hard drives.
  • Utilized advanced anti-virus software in order to spot new security weaknesses that posed threats to the company’s systems and networks.

Data Center Operator Resume Sample 7

  • Proven expertise in database architecture, and database development in Microsoft Access and SQL.
  • Taught classes for using database solutions to manage private personal information.
  • Provided exceptional service to all customers by working as a team player, and by coaching and recognizing employees on their performance.
  • Achieved awards for outstanding service quality; contributed to the rise of work productivity by over 10% within first year of employment.
  • Undertook challenging tasks with determination while adhering to policies regarding information security and privacy.

Data Center Operator Resume Sample 8

  • Operated data centers for numerous clients in a timely and accurate manner, with constant monitoring and contributing to uptime.
  • Developed and applied planning programs for redundancy, process control, disaster recovery, and response protocols.
  • Analyzed larger systems to develop applications that were designed to meet business requirements.
  • Participated in the development of new team-based software applications using J2EE technologies.
  • Assisted in the development of new team-based software applications by providing input into design decisions.

Data Center Operator Resume Sample 9

  • Provided technical support for computing clusters to customers’ system administrators and business analysts.
  • Consistently achieved 100 % uptime for various data storage and retrieval systems; maintained a 99.9 % system availability index.
  • Trained users on new software integration and upgrade procedures; increased productivity by 50%.
  • Assigned host names and passwords, configured network protocols, established bandwidth quotas, and monitored user access levels in accordance to acceptable standards.
  • Achieved award while volunteering at local charity during evenings.

Data Center Operator Resume Sample 10

  • Installed and configured thirteen (13) Novell Netware servers to include a virtual private network in a multi-tiered network, which provided access from the corporate network to several remote locations.
  • Deployed, configured and troubleshot Windows 2000 servers to create an Active Directory environment containing three (3) domains in an advanced technology world.
  • Prepared twenty-four (24) clients for the conversion to Windows XP including assisting users with the conversion of their settings and data.
  • Created a customized configuration for a server and configured the system to protect sensitive data.
  • Deployed, configured, and troubleshot Windows 2000 servers to provide client access needed by the company.

Data Center Operator Resume Sample 11

  • Designed, implemented, and maintained a scalable infrastructure using high-end components.
  • Managed the creation of server room network designs and prepared custom network maps.
  • Install, configure, and maintain one of the largest data centers in a major financial services company by implementing automated systems.
  • Communicated with vendors for vendor agreements to obtain more than $100 million in new capital equipment for the company’s data center.
  • Created risk mitigation plans with legal counsel and various departments after evaluating standardized fire protection plans from the FDIC and other regulatory agencies.

Data Center Operator Resume Sample 12

  • Coded, debugged, and maintain a large data center operating system, utilizing Microsoft Visual Basic and Windows NT.
  • Designed, developed, and implement a computer network using Microsoft Windows as a primary base for company-wide computer systems; web page development; mailing lists; and Internet connections.
  • Worked with programmers from around the world to provide custom-coded software modules which would access the Internet.
  • Visited San Francisco Dreamforce Event for five days to serve as an independent contractor on the customer service team; received excellent feedback from attendees.
  • Maintained datacenter as primary cellular customer through use of telephone call records, email support, and customer support software.

Wrap Up

Data center operators must have an associate’s degree in IT or computer science, plus at least 1 year experience in computer operations or IT. Skills needed are attention to detail, perseverance, adaptability, team work, communication skills, computer skills, professional attitude, and decision-making skills.

Resumes are a crucial aspect of any job search. In order to make a good first impression, it is important that your resume be formatted and written professionally. To create the perfect resume, think about what skills and qualities you want your future employer to see.

Hope these samples gave you an idea of what your resume should look like and some tips on how to make sure that your resume stands out from the rest.


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