Retail Buyer Resume Sample

A retail buyer purchases and manages merchandise or stocks that are sold through retail outlets. Their duties include analysis of market trends, developing strategic plans, negotiating with vendors, implementing stock assortments, arranging transfer of goods, monitoring inventory and quality levels and building supplier relationships.

For many, writing a resume can be daunting. If you are working on your own, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the amount of information you need to include and how best to present yourself.

The sample resumes below provide great examples of how to write an effective resume.

The Best Retail Buyer Resume Samples

These are some examples of accomplishments we have handpicked from real Retail Buyer resumes for your reference.

Retail Buyer Resume Sample 1

  • Performed the duties of a branch purchasing manager in addition to the responsibilities of Store Manager and Regional Manager.
  • Managed and directed several hundred employees.
  • Trained and supervised department managers in addition to performing the duties of an area supervisor.
  • Estimated inventory needs for product lines and tracked progress toward meeting these needs through year-end budgets, forecasts, and inventories.
  • Won awards for reduced costs from improved efficiency from better planning, better use of resources including procurement control, used computer-based systems to track materials, labor, payroll information; excelled at relationship building/management particularly with vendors and customers. Achievement was accomplished while also completing my Master’s degree.

Retail Buyer Resume Sample 2

  • Merged inventory data from three suppliers into a standardized Excel spreadsheet; reduced purchasing costs by over 15% and assured inventory accuracy.
  • Increased customer base by representing company at events, such as trade shows, conventions, and other networking venues.
  • Suggested new methods for shipping products between distribution centers to match customers’ needs.
  • Provided cost-benefit analysis of supplier agreements; lead to purchase of materials from lowest-cost supplier saving up to 10%.
  • Scheduled production for mass production partner; reduced labor costs by $3500 per month through the use of BOM-driven kanban scheduling software.

Retail Buyer Resume Sample 3

  • Assisted the organization’s high-volume department by maintaining a high level of product knowledge through training and education.
  • Achieved individual bonuses for meeting cost-saving performance standards.
  • Streamlined new processes to eliminate the need for rework and excessive labor costs.
  • Reduced the shipment of damaged goods by 30% in one year through an analysis of forecasting and ordering systems.
  • Developed a unique customer service framework that raised employee satisfaction to an all-time high exceeding company objectives.

Retail Buyer Resume Sample 4

  • Achieved top buyer sales performance ranking in district; maintained the highest dollar per employee inventory among buyers in the region.
  • Recommended effective storage solutions to retail store owners, minimizing shrinkage and maximizing efficiency.
  • Distributed materials received from vendors to retail stores, within tight delivery windows and on budget.
  • Created presentations of material distribution solutions for internal retail group meetings.
  • Discovered a new distribution technique that saved retailers $1 million annually as well as an opportunity to deliver materials more effectively and efficiently than competitors.

Retail Buyer Resume Sample 5

  • Acquired top market share at the lowest cost per unit sold by the Company. Understood the Business from A to Z and modeled best practices in all areas of the business.
  • Helped reduce price of a company’s product by as much as 30% over competitor prices. Acquired new customers through highly effective advertising/promotional programs.
  • Led team that increased revenue to over $50 million annually for a Fortune 500 Company through improved merchandising and pricing strategies which resulted in significant reductions of operating costs.
  • Established inventory controls, which resulted in decreased inventory shrinkage and increased bottom line profit margins by approximately 10%. The above were accomplished without compromising product quality.
  • Promoted the use of a new computerized inventory system and helped to improve sales performance.

Retail Buyer Resume Sample 6

  • Acquired and maintained supplies which range from consumable products to durable goods through negotiations, purchasing, and transportation.
  • Negotiated with suppliers to obtain a better deal for customers at the end of each year.
  • Achieved overall annual savings of over $400K; controlled inventory costs by only ordering what was required in stock and rejected all items that were not ordered through multiple suppliers.
  • Scored 90% on the inspection forms used by the company’s retail buyers.
  • Relied heavily on customer service skills as an agent representing a client’s product line in retail markets (i.e., malls, stores, etc.) throughout Southeast Asia.

Retail Buyer Resume Sample 7

  • Maintained accurate inventory, maintained inventories, created daily schedules, and handled stock issues.
  • Purchased new and existing merchandise in quantities that produced revenue goals.
  • Completed weekly business assignments on time; developed profitable and efficient distribution networks with multiple products from different manufacturers.
  • Grew the distribution center gross sales by 300% over the previous year; reduced operating expense by 10%.
  • Received outstanding performance award for increased gross sales over previous year.

Retail Buyer Resume Sample 8

  • Assembled product inventories, managed inventory, and screened incoming product assortment.
  • Accurately analyzed retail industry’s supply chain sequence and logistics market conditions in order to reduce inventory and increase sales.
  • Created efficiencies and balance sheets through cost-saving measures; increased customer satisfaction.
  • Accurately calculated shipping costs; earned honor awards for timely delivery of orders.
  • Envisioned new sales, contributed to company growth, increased profit margins, and enhanced customer service.

Retail Buyer Resume Sample 9

  • Led full profit & loss responsibility and accountability for one retail store; steady revenue gains, high customer satisfaction ratings and team player relationships.
  • Increased revenue 10% and decreased inventory 10%; streamlined work flow in a team-oriented environment.
  • Maintained a sales force of 12 while reducing the number of calls by 50%; increased store traffic by 20%.
  • Bettered company tradition of teamwork; met goals of 85% customer satisfaction rating on an annual basis.
  • Strict adherence to company standards for 40+ employees; retention rate increased by 24%.

Retail Buyer Resume Sample 10

  • Scored 98% customer satisfaction score as a Buyer; maintained continuous customer interaction that resulted in efficient problem solving.
  • Communicated supplier contracts and compliance issues with the VP of Purchasing.
  • Coordinated vendor scheduling and logistics to minimize costs, and improve efficiency.
  • Enhanced customer service by creating an employee incentive program in response to an increase of sales by 30%.
  • Streamlined supplier processes, resulting in faster shipment of goods, increased profitability, and improved employee morale.

Retail Buyer Resume Sample 11

  • Developed a new product plan that realized a 30% increase in store sales.
  • Attained exemplary employee of the month status by being the top performing buyer on three occasions; was recognized for initiative, professionalism, and teamwork by the Vice President of Product and Store Development.
  • Succeeded to exceed annual goals for revenue, volume sales and gross profit from March 2003 through October 2005.
  • Re-designed processes that reduced time in processing orders from 3–5 days to less than 1–2 days.
  • Achieved award for receiving highest customer feedback on customer satisfaction surveys; provided outstanding service to clients as evidenced in numerous repeat customers.

Retail Buyer Resume Sample 12

  • Informed, interacted with, and responded to every customer query; effectively maintained a thorough inventory.
  • Established relationships with all suppliers; effectively filled orders insuring integrity of product and service delivery.
  • Successfully processed nearly 25,000 orders on time and on budget in excess of the contracts negotiated by the Regional Manager.
  • Received attention from Special Operations Group (SOG) for exceeding expectations; earned award for exceptional performance in meeting goals within the scope of contract.
  • Displayed initiative and initiative; bestowed by regional manager for making a positive impact within SOG team.

Wrap Up

To work as a retail buyer you should have a Bachelor’s degree in business or any other related subject. A retail buyer should demonstrate sound knowledge of ERP, MRP (Material Resource Planning) software, and have good communication, negotiation, organization, time management and critical thinking ability.

Resumes are a crucial aspect of any job search. In order to make a good first impression, it is important that your resume be formatted and written professionally. To create the perfect resume, think about what skills and qualities you want your future employer to see.

Hope these samples gave you an idea of what your resume should look like and some tips on how to make sure that your resume stands out from the rest.


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