Court Reporter Resume Sample

A court reporter writes and maintains the records of legal proceedings. A court reporter’s responsibilities include attending legal proceedings, writing verbatim recordings, reading transcripts, identifying the accuracy of the transcripts, providing support for court management, and managing notes and files.

For many, writing a resume can be daunting. If you are working on your own, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the amount of information you need to include and how best to present yourself.

The sample resumes below provide great examples of how to write an effective resume.

The Best Court Reporter Resume Samples

These are some examples of accomplishments we have handpicked from real Court Reporter resumes for your reference.

Court Reporter Resume Sample 1

  • Recorded over 2500 trial court proceedings and supervised fifteen court reporters that recorded, edited, and cleaned testimony.
  • Accommodated many types of observations from judges, attorneys, and witnesses by creating specialized scripts and work flow procedures to ensure the accuracy of testimony while maintaining a high level of productivity.
  • Researched court conditions in order to draft appropriate briefs for appealed cases. Drafted five briefs per day.
  • Transcribed all witness testimony into a searchable database by using keywords to enhance the quality of transcriptions for future reference.
  • Supervised the maintenance of original transcripts as well as preparing transcriptions for filing at the Courthouse.

Court Reporter Resume Sample 2

  • Transcribed testimony and court proceedings in accordance with the requirements of the court.
  • Created, wrote, edited, and produced a series of six audio cassettes for the hearing impaired, which raised awareness for the organization I represented.
  • Organized and presented a speech for an event on oral interpretation.
  • Maintained and instructed students in World English to English dictionaries.
  • Created a nationally recognized and award-winning documentary film based on my career as a court reporter.

Court Reporter Resume Sample 3

  • Formally and informally recorded, transcribed, and certified the proceedings of over 200 civil actions.
  • Fully completed the state-prescribed requirements for court reporter certification within one year of formal training.
  • Trained as fast-transcriptionist; utilized in a variety of settings including courtrooms, depositions, and interviews.
  • Achieved certification for proficiency with TouchWrite Express Software.
  • Carried out judicial duties as member of a jury panel; reached agreement with eleven other members to reach a verdict which was based on evidence alone.

Court Reporter Resume Sample 4

  • Accepted an English as a Second Language (ESL) Certification class by the U.S. Department of Education; excelled at communicating with non-English speakers, providing them with an understanding of the meaning of statements and questions in order to obtain accurate information for court proceedings.
  • Submitted a draft for a federal law after conducting extensive research on the legal and social implications of exploring domestic violence cases’ effects on children exposed to such incidents.
  • Applied legal principles when interpreting motion and deposition transcripts; clarified ambiguous social security law language using case studies from product liability, zoning, and securities issues; referred to applicable federal statutes and rules while disclosing discrepancies in complex testimony.
  • Performed legal research to clarify a client’s understanding of legal concepts prior to trial.
  • Achieved award for outstanding guidance of a client’s oral presentation of personal history under the sponsorship of the Minnesota Bar Association.

Court Reporter Resume Sample 5

  • Recorded 300 depositions over approximately six years.
  • Transcribed approximately 2,000 transcripts, motions, and briefs over eighteen months.
  • Maintained an 85% accuracy rate in the preparation of transcripts; earned top proficiency score on legal transcript editing test administered by regional F.B.I. agent.
  • Able to establish courtroom presence via appropriate attire and demeanor during hearings; gained confidence in court as a key witness at several trials as a result of my court reporting expertise and ability to anticipate questions that legal counsel would have asked if I had not been present at the hearing.
  • Received commendation from a judge for exceptional performance in courtroom.

Court Reporter Resume Sample 6

  • Recorded over 5,000 hours of testimony in court proceedings throughout the state of Georgia.
  • Was responsible for producing transcripts of over 800 legal documents in a timely manner.
  • Categorized complex documents and composed an accurate index to assist with reference searching.
  • Collaborated with lawyers and judges to resolve issues pertaining to the quality and accuracy of the transcription written.
  • Monitored courtroom activities, monitored difficult cases for positive or negative bias, or opted to write a summary that could be used as a reference for judges and/or jury members.

Court Reporter Resume Sample 7

  • Achieved all of the State certification requirements for court reporting.
  • Received recognition for meeting bureau and division criteria in a timely manner, resulting in an average waiver time of 10 minutes per case.
  • Enhanced the experience of judges and lawyers while managing the production of their hearings, trials, and depositions by delivering accurate paraphrasing of testimony to a typed record.
  • Ensured confidentiality during cases by playing a key role in securing the privacy of sensitive information such as financial records.
  • Completed a variety of legal assignments ranging from property management contracts to prenuptial agreements; more than 90% accuracy in legible typing.

Court Reporter Resume Sample 8

  • Achieved award for excellence in shorthand transcription of legal court proceedings.
  • Accredited as a Legal-Certified Reporter and served as a Registered Professional Reporter.
  • Recognized for accurate transcription skills; transcribed over 1,500 pages of testimony within 24-hours.
  • Earned acclaim for performing in stressful environments; documented witness testimony in an arson trial involving 66 witnesses, identifying over 30 potential suspects.
  • Proven trust through years of honest and accurate reporting with no complaints regarding transcript errors or misconduct.

Court Reporter Resume Sample 9

  • Negotiated, recorded, and transcribed depositions, hearings, and trials throughout the nation.
  • Represented clients in negotiations with opposing council members to resolve cases.
  • Personally negotiated cases without attorney representation; effectively amended allegations against the firm’s clients to resolve cases in their favor.
  • Received two Certificates of Recognition for outstanding dedication and extraordinary service as a court reporter; cited for exceeding previous high standards of performance.
  • Reached a high level of proficiency in legal terminology while serving as secretary and acting as courtroom translator; served as liaison between foreign attorneys and American court systems during international trials.

Court Reporter Resume Sample 10

  • Provided court reporting services, handwritten on a typewriter in the court reporter’s office and electronic in the courtroom.
  • Maintained knowledge of local and appellate laws through daily newspaper reading and frequent attendance at law school.
  • Accounted for each case with detailed analysis and complete notes; maintained consistent availability to work overtime during legal pressures.
  • Performed administrative duties while earning a high performance rating from a supervisor.
  • Formed strong relationships with family members through frequent contact, telephone calls, and visits when/if need arises.

Court Reporter Resume Sample 11

  • Trained to the level of licensure required by law, by National Court Reporters Association (NCRA).
  • Successfully conducted hundreds of live testimony, recorded/transcribed in-court bench conferences, and supervised clerical duties for legal journaling.
  • Supervised and administered day-to-day operational training for staff.
  • Provided court reporters with technical assistance, writing assignments, and research information which assisted the court reporter in the preparation of stenographic records.
  • Provided many hours of service as a jury consultant representing clients in real estate matters.

Court Reporter Resume Sample 12

  • Produced written transcriptions of approximately 400 individual cases, including small claims, civil, and juvenile court trials.
  • Recognized as the most accurate transcriptions reporter in the office and maintained a 99% accuracy rating.
  • Awarded “Employee of the Quarter” for high accuracy rates and meeting in-house deadlines.
  • Selected by Florida Department of Court Administration to serve as a court reporter for two Chief Judges; wrote daily closing assessments for legal segments on local radio station.
  • Successfully toured with internationally recognized playwright who received an “Oscar” award when play was produced in New York City.

Wrap Up

To become a court reporter, a high school diploma is required, in addition to state licensure. A court reporter must have excellent listening skills, must have excellent typing skills, must be professional, must be organized, must be proficient with equipment, must have integrity, and must be knowledgeable about legal terminology.

Resumes are a crucial aspect of any job search. In order to make a good first impression, it is important that your resume be formatted and written professionally. To create the perfect resume, think about what skills and qualities you want your future employer to see.

Hope these samples gave you an idea of what your resume should look like and some tips on how to make sure that your resume stands out from the rest.


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