Freelance Proofreader Resume Sample

Freelance Proofreaders help to review and edit all written materials submitted by a company. Their duties include editing manuscripts for grammar, ensuring documents adhere to style guides, confirming document pages are logically ordered, verifying links and pdf attachments, reviewing captioned images, and collaborating with editing and proofreading staff.

For many, writing a resume can be daunting. If you are working on your own, it is easy to become overwhelmed with the amount of information you need to include and how best to present yourself.

The sample resumes below provide great examples of how to write an effective resume.

The Best Freelance Proofreader Resume Samples

These are some examples of accomplishments we have handpicked from real Freelance Proofreader resumes for your reference.

Freelance Proofreader Resume Sample 1

  • Read and proofread over 2,000 pages worth of technical instructions for an engineering manuals company.
  • Reviewed and revised 10 published analyses, journalism pieces, and research papers ranging from social issues to political economy.
  • Refereed 56 qualifying essays submitted by applicants wishing to pursue post-graduate studies in international relations at a university located in a major city.
  • Scrutinized 45 files of 400 photographs each from foreign news agencies per month as they were being transmitted to United States markets via satellite uplink facilities throughout the world.
  • Verified that all material distributed across national newspapers was consistent with content requirements pertaining to spelling, grammar, punctuation as well compliance with print style guides.

Freelance Proofreader Resume Sample 2

  • Improved the grammar, spelling, and sentence structure of hundreds of documents for clients.
  • Provided clients with detailed suggestions that help improve communication skills and upgrade resumes.
  • Successfully proofread 500 pages on 3 separate occasions in order to enhance content quality two days before publication.
  • Recognized by the manager as an outstanding proofreader after proofreading 300 pages within deadline parameters; awarded bonus pay.
  • Promoted to proofreading department head at $20/hour raise after four months of employment based on proofreading accomplishments.

Freelance Proofreader Resume Sample 3

  • Use Microsoft Word and Adobe Acrobat in the process of editing and proofreading over 100 corporate documents in past two years.
  • Maintain an average of 70% accuracy with regards to spelling, grammar, punctuation, and overall document formatting.
  • Review all aspects of a manuscript bi-weekly; addressed each editorial deficiency within 24 hours of reply from author.
  • Postpone publication deadlines four times due to revisions requested by author—this resulted in the need for 19 additional workdays; saved company $4000.00.
  • Reduce litigation risks due to ability to correct errors such as misspellings, grammatical and punctuation mistakes.

Freelance Proofreader Resume Sample 4

  • Quickly and accurately proofread academic, business, non-fiction and fiction books of over 1,000 pages.
  • Read each book three times; notes were taken and edited for comprehension and full understanding.
  • Proofread and corrected books written by authors with a Ph.D., or Master’s Degree; highlighted sections to indicate where corrections should be made.
  • Trained new freelance proofreader; developed an entire training course on how we approach each project as a team.
  • Achieved top producer at company headquarters for my years of work as a freelance proofreader in the media industry.

Freelance Proofreader Resume Sample 5

  • Proofread magazines and technical documents covering a range of topics such as history, medicine, women’s issues, sports, and finance for publication in the United States and abroad.
  • Reviewed advertisement copy for grammar, spelling, punctuation utilizing AP stylebook guidelines.
  • Returned corrected work to authors within 24 hours; developed close working relationships with clients and colleagues resulting in long-term employment.
  • Participated actively in projects helping to establish a variety of publications; reviewed over 500 articles online weekly updating content on websites.
  • Corrected errors that resulted from knowledge of American English grammatical rules; modified structure and wording to conform to style requirements.

Freelance Proofreader Resume Sample 6

  • Enjoyed editorial opportunities for major publishers in New York and Miami; edited business, legal, and literary manuscripts.
  • Triumphed over challenges that arose due to publisher deadlines; quick thinking and strong communication skills helped to maintain working relationships with key contacts at publishing houses.
  • Proofread client’s materials; performed thorough research of client’s references, footnotes, and bibliographic entries.
  • Honored by grateful clients for reviewing critically important documents; errors were corrected before contracts could be signed or payments made.
  • Handled even the most critical and sensitive material with discretion; confidentiality was maintained under all circumstances.

Freelance Proofreader Resume Sample 7

  • Proofread fifty-thousand words per month for small businesses, individuals, and magazines.
  • Earned compliment from customers for proficiently proofreading documents that were not clear or concise.
  • Recognize errors in text presented by grammar software; display valuable performance at all times.
  • Save client valuable time by offering valuable suggestions to writer before the final product is completed.
  • Take pride in producing excellent work through careful evaluation of final product prior to delivery.

Freelance Proofreader Resume Sample 8

  • Produced clean copy in accordance with house style.
  • Identified inconsistencies, inaccuracies, redundancies, or omissions in articles submitted by staff writers.
  • Assessed the interactions between various components of a page to ensure consistency throughout the publication.
  • Proposed changes for improving layout design and assuring accuracy of content among staff editors and designers.
  • Detected errors that could have caused legal problems or damaged professional relationships among co-workers and clients without reporting them directly to the editor-in-chief.

Freelance Proofreader Resume Sample 9

  • Edit and review articles for precision of fact, clarity of expression, consistency of usage, balance of tone.
  • Produce error-free copy on time with meticulous attention to detail; maintain positive relationship with demanding editors.
  • Meticulously examine documents for spelling errors using spell checker tool in Microsoft Word.
  • Edited for correctness of expression by referencing grammar rules and marking corrections on draft paper prior to publication.
  • Transform visually pleasing graphics into clear, concise text illustrations that resemble photographs or charts; solve layout problems quickly and effectively.

Freelance Proofreader Resume Sample 10

  • Corrected spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors on highly regarded periodical magazine articles.
  • Adhered to strict deadlines by ensuring that manuscripts were returned for editing with due dates in mind. Researched material relating to assigned magazines.
  • Hired as full-time proofreader; met guidelines for quality of work through adherence to established style guides. Worked directly under Editor-in-Chief to ensure accuracy of published material.
  • Engaged intellectually with peers through written word; published scholarly papers regarding eighteenth century poetry, romanticism, and contemporary journalism.
  • Maintain excellent relationships with former editors who still ask me to proofread their manuscripts at little or no cost because of my work’s quality and dedication to deadlines.

Freelance Proofreader Resume Sample 11

  • One of the first three proofreaders to join the company’s staff in 1994, I quickly proved my worth by providing timely, accurate work.
  • Delivered written reports on manuscript for review for errors at publishing house.
  • Promoted to lead proofreader after saving the company thousands of dollars with innovative anti-piracy efforts.
  • Won multiple awards for editing excellence; cultivated more than 15 years of valuable relationships with repeat customers and colleagues across all fields.
  • Mastered Adobe Acrobat, Word, Excel, PowerPoint; created new proofreading template that streamlined workflows while simultaneously reducing company overhead costs.

Wrap Up

Freelance Proofreaders need at least a Bachelor’s Degree in English or another related field like communication, as well as three or more years of writing and editing experience. They also require knowledge of writing styles like AMA, APA, and AP, as well as skills in team work, organization, communication, and time management.

Resumes are a crucial aspect of any job search. In order to make a good first impression, it is important that your resume be formatted and written professionally. To create the perfect resume, think about what skills and qualities you want your future employer to see.

Hope these samples gave you an idea of what your resume should look like and some tips on how to make sure that your resume stands out from the rest.


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